Thursday, January 24, 2013

Happy New Year! A Few Pics From the Last Year

Ahhh...what a cozy living room 

 We stopped in Garnet on the way home from Missoula last fall. It was a really interesting stop. Lots of history in this little ghost town. I even bought a gold nugget.
 Mom and Dad's 40th wedding anniversary party at Howard's
 Michael and Yosh at the old Depot.

 Michael's first hunting trip
 Football! Michael played hard and had a good season. This was his first year of tackle.
 And the first was a year of firsts for Michael. He was pretty 
proud of this.
Avery playing in my backyard.

2012 was a pretty good year. We did quite a bit of traveling. Vegas three times and a trip to Seattle. Mom and Dad celebrated 40 years of being We even got to spend lots of time with Avery and Anders....that's always fun. Congrats to Brady and Kristy on having Liam. Hopefully everyone else had as good of a year as we did. Here's to a great 2013!

1 comment:

Kari said...

It was a good year Jess. We are a lucky family.