Saturday, February 21, 2009

Nascar in Vegas

It's almost time to hit the road again. We will be traveling to Vegas on the 26th, to watch the nascar race, and to gamble, and shop. I'm extremely excited. I didn't get to go last year.

Yosh turns 11 on the 26th. She will be having a slumber party here tonite. And a party with the family on the 26th at Kari's. She has grown up alot since last year. She has alot more attitude.

Michael is still the crazy kid that doesnt stop talking. And never is anything his fault. He is doing well in school, getting 100% on almost all of his spelling tests. He did have an accident on the playground last week. Some lil kid pushed him down and he hit his head on the sidewalk and cracked it open. Kinda gross. The kid that pushed him was devastated when he saw michael was bleeding. He applogized profusely. I felt sorry for both of them. I had to pick him up from school , so he missed his Valentines Party. But he was excited he got to come to work with me.

I wanna say congrats to Mandy and James. Haydn is such a cutie. I can't wait to meet him. I'm sure Gramma Lynn will bring many pictures back for all of us to see. I will post pictures of Vegas and Yoshikos rollerskating party in March. Take Care everyone!!