Thursday, September 15, 2011

Flight Over the Falls 2011

P-51 Mustang "The Little Witch" one of my favorite airplanes

B-2 Stealth Bomber, An awesome surprise

Gotta love Fat Albert

The Blue Angels

Flight Over the Falls was a great airshow. I went in not expecting much but it blew me away. Defiantly one of the best airshows I've been to. Started out with some Montana Air Guard F-15 flyby's and just got better from there. The B-2 wasn't in the program so it was a great surprise. Only the second time I've seen one. They almost look like something out of a si fi movie. The P-51 and A-10 demos were fun to watch as were the Korean War era fighter demos. Topping it off were the Blue Angels who are always fun to see. All around a very good time.

Disneyworld With the Parents

After breakfast at the Grand Floridian Cafe

The Magic Kingdom

Scallops at Reglan Road. They were very good. However, the chickeniver pate we had wasn't.

The new Star Tours at Hollywood Studios

What a nice way to top off my NASA adventure. We had a great time! I just wish Dawn and the kids could have been there.